Internet of Things

Boost Your Productivity with Internet of Things

Boost Your Productivity with Internet of Things

Pioneering the digital revolution in the business world with the Internet of Things, smart objects and facilitating communication technologies, costs are reduced and the infrastructure of new business models are established.

Organizations that turn into technology companies with the opportunities introduced by digital transformation gain more in their business by capturing competitive edge thanks to the data they collect from their infrastructure, employees and customers. Powered by Internet of Things, transformations such as production facilities with increased efficiency and quality (Industry 4.0), constantly monitored and improving electricity networks (Smart Grid), connected transportation systems and smart cities are expanding.

With the Internet of Things platform, Platform 360 solution family and ecosystem partners working together, assets are monitored and managed to create business value, and the collected data creates value together with its analytics infrastructure in big data environments.

Increased Efficiency Thanks to Internet of Things

Increased Efficiency Thanks to Internet of Things

Powered by Internet of Things, transformations such as production facilities with increased efficiency and quality (Industry 4.0), constantly monitored and improving electricity networks (Smart Grid), connected transportation systems and smart cities are expanding.

With the Internet of Things platform, Platform 360 solution family and ecosystem partners working together, assets are monitored and managed to create business value, and the collected data creates value together with its analytics infrastructure in big data environments.