In 2018, it is predicted that Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and subsidiary industry companies will have a dream of Industry 4.0 and digital transformation processes. With intelligent production technologies, it is planned to reduce production costs and increase productivity and increase operational efficiency in supply chain with value chain.
Banking sector is the locomotive of Turkey's economy, in 2017 also grew by 11.8% compared to the previous year, continuing its development. As of the third quarter of 2017, the sector has reached an asset size of 3.054 billion TL, with more than 11,500 branches and more than 210,000 employees, leading the sectors where digital conversion is closely followed and applied.
Durable Goods
In Turkey, after China, with annual production of 30 million units in the white goods sector is the country's largest manufacturer in the world. The sector provides a significant contribution to the economy of the country with 60.000 jobs provided and annual turnover of 30 billion TL. 
Today, there is a strong change in the energy sector with the effect of digitalization in our country and in the world. While investments in the energy sector, especially electricity, oil and gas, are increasing in our country, parallel to this, companies' requirements for digital transformation also increase KoçSistem plays an important role both in Turkey.
With the increase in the use of technology in education, smart campus/school concepts are becoming more common.In this sense, mobile application projects that serve digital student/academics experience,paperless campus solutions,use of virtual reality and QR code applications,use of campus security technology, etc. topics are expected to be on the agenda of the education sector in 2018.
While Turkey economic moves performing in line with the 2023 vision, Information and Communication Technology investments in the public sector shows growth in parallel. Since 2010, investments in public information technologies, which have increased rapidly, especially in the field of education, have reached 4.4 billion TL in 2017.
This new world, where customers can set the standard of service requests at the time and place they want, provides a unique opportunity for retail companies to change business patterns and capture new opportunities.
With the influence of today's technology, more advanced risk monitoring techniques and personal health care services are becoming a priority in the health sector. Integration of large data and artificial intelligence aims to diagnose diseases early and reduce health costs.
Insurance sector in Turkey, when the last 5 years premiums taken into consideration with an average annual growth of 18 %  reached 46.5 billion TL total premium production in 2017.
Telecom sector of Information Technologies and Communication Board with an annual market size of 45 billion TL, according to data published by it is the most dynamic sector of the IT industry. The telecommunications sector which is the fastest growing in the world and the most investment is made for R&D and innovation, is also considered as leverage for Turkey's economy.
Today, the tourism sector is also affected by the digital transformation, like other sectors. Parallel to this, players in the sector have to serve customers especially with digital marketing and omni-channel applications.